Wake up. Make Yourself Better

As human beings we have a difficult time accepting the fact that are some things we are innately shitty at. We are all blessed with different skills and it can be maddening to watch others master a craft with relative ease. Especially if that same craft is something you struggle with. Throughout the years I[…]

Fowl Water: A Duck Hunting Story

Anyone that has spent time around hunters or fisherman have heard stories about days so good they’d make Hemingway blush. The story usually starts with something like… “the birds came pouring into the decoys so fast we hardly had time to reload shotguns”. Tall tales that are typically lit by neon or campfire flames and[…]

Why the Fly?

I try not to spend much time in my life mulling over questions that don’t have real answers, but people often ask me why I fly fish or what it is about fly fishing that draws me to cold rivers at times of the day when most folks are still sleeping. I have a hard[…]

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